The Supreme Kings is a youth mentoring program for boys ages 6 to 18. Enrollment in the Supreme Kings will provide academic reinforcement to those in need, as well as structure and self discipline through the internal arts of yoga, meditation and holistic health and fitness. We also introduce the youth to chess, S.T.E.M and ooccasional social outings as part of our curriculum. Academics is a priority so we work in conjuction with the school system, facilitating meetings and tutoring services to ensure our youth are maximizing their potential in the classroom. We offer athletic scholarships to those who maintain an A-B average. The internal arts of yoga and meditation teach self discipline and focus that comes through "calmness" of mind. The youth are encouraged to apply these skill sets whenever necessary, whether at home or in the classroom. The holistic approach is taken when it comes to introducing our youth to health. They are taught health consciousness; how the mind and body are interconnected from food nutrition to physical fitness. The program is unique in that we focus on balance; mind and body, along with building character and academic excellence. Our vision is to empower the youth by giving them the "necessary tools" to successfully cope with life in their transition from youth to adulthood.
I am the CEO and founder of the Supreme Kings. My previous work as a Residential Counselor and community volunteer inspired me to start a mentoring program. My vision is to empower the youth, through structure and discipline, giving them the necessary tools to excel in life. As a disciple of Budo (the way of the warrior) with training in both external and internal martial arts, I want to introduce the youth to a curriculum that intergrates balance of mind and body. The Yoga, meditation and holistic health and fitness reflect my studies in Eastern Philosophy and the core principles of peace, self discipline and higher consciousness.
“No Xcuses, Just Results” is the mentality with which I approach life. The only thing that prevents us from achieving our goals is ourselves. Although I’ve have been a certified personal trainer for nearly a decade, my degree is in electrical engineering, and I’m currently a Project Manager. Over the past few years I have expanded my brand to include community activism. I recognized that our young black men needed mentors, educators, and leaders. Some simply needed someone to show they care. It has been my pleasure joining forces with Supreme Kings to provide this service to our community. We have developed a strong relationship that allows us to give back to the ones who need it most, our youth.
As a former public school employee, law enforcement officer, and recreational specialist, I have gained experience working with teens and preteens. During that time, I learned those are vital years in a child’s life, which can play a pivotal role in the direction a child may head. My vision is to inspire the youth and expose them to more opportunities, as well as be a positive influence in their journey. It is my desire to shine a light on the community and give voices to individuals through my camera lens. With these visuals, I hope to encourage others to assist in the uplifting of our children in an effort to help them be successful.